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UN Global Initiatives & Training

(This has been under development)


At the global level, the UN Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) serves as a high-level forum for joint policy formation and decision-making. It guides, supports, tracks and oversees the coordination of development operations in 162 countries and territories.

One of the UNSDG’s main data systems—UN INFO—digitizes the UN Country Teams’ Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (previously UN Development Assistance Frameworks), currently covering approximately 40 results frameworks (as of October 2019) with more to come. The digitized results frameworks and joint work plans showcase activities, update data on results indicators and extract crucial information to improve coordination, accountability and transparency.


Linking Investments, Partners, and the Sustainable Development Goals


This graphic shows how investments are contributing to the work of different agencies and partners to advance the Sustainable Development Goals in Country. The width of the lines represents the relative amount of resources being contributed. You can play with the filters to see how investments are targeted to different geographic areas, Sustainable Development Goals, UN agencies and national implementing partners.


UNSDG and the 2030 Agenda

United Nations Member States decided to fundamentally transform the development coordination system to better enable the UN teams to support countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With a reinvigorated, empowered and independent resident coordinator (RC) system at its helm, the function is fully dedicated to coordinating the development activities of UN entities as of 1 January 2019, helping to ensure sustained social, economic and environmental gains at the national and local levels, while leaving no one behind.

At the heart of this transformation of the United Nations development coordination function are resident coordinators, who are the designated representatives of the Secretary-General for development at the country level. They coordinate the UN Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) agencies, funds and programmes working on development, also known as the UN Country Teams.


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